About Larry Raynard

At an early age Larry always enjoyed his Art classes even though there was not much credence given to Art at that period in the school system. Even though it might only be drawing the Mountie on his pencil set it was always something he appreciated. Various Art classes through the years mostly seemed designed to fill in time or were regarded as a spare. Then in Grade 12 his position as yearbook editor found him looking for more interesting photos to include in the book, beyond the snapshots that were always the norm. Although his parents Instamatic didn’t get him much beyond the snapshots, he was able to get some more dynamic angles like from the top of the basketball hoop or any new angle that increased interest.
Fast forward to University days and he was taking photos with the little Instamatic that his parents had lent him, and wasn’t satisfied with the inconsistent results. On a road trip to Vancouver he borrowed his friend’s Nikon and the friend got his car for the weekend. The camera was worth more than the car so he didn’t really worry too much. That opened his mind to a whole new universe. With the right tools he knew he could create a much better photograph. By his final year in University he graduated with a BA majoring in English and Psychology. During this year he made a defining moment in his life by purchasing a simple SLR camera with which to experiment. After a year of learning and setting up a darkroom of his own he had found his purpose. To facilitate his journey to become a professional photographer he enrolled in the Banff School of Fine Arts. There along with photography, he studied all the technical aspects of photography as well as historical processes including silk screening and design. Graduating in 1977 with a Diploma in Visual Communications he immediately found employment in his chosen field. After working and learning the business of photography, he started his own business in 1980. Larry’s goal has always been to exceed expectations with the highest quality and best service. To that end he has succeeded with fine portraits hung in homes all over Regina.